BAEWATCH ALERT: There’s Beauty in the Bronx

For the better part of a year I’ve been supporting a friend who’s training for a triathlon (fake training myself) and was reintroduced to Orchard Beach.

Instead of cycling throughout the Bronx and running drills in the sand; I decided to have a peaceful beach day—packed lunch in tow.

The weather was beau-ti-ful, the sand was warm, the water cool—although my feet were the only things that got dipped in it.

People generally shun New York City beaches; for good reason (at times); but I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Orchard Beach.

This trip was chill, relaxing, and tranquil.

*I recommend going on a weekday for a less crowded experience; unless you’re looking for a beach party vibe.

What's your favorite beach?

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