A Women-Led Initiative Launches at Bread Nolita

Nails & Gals (sponsored by Floss Gloss) becomes the first event at Bread’s new location—inside the Nolitan Hotel.


Client: Bread Nolita

Talent: CHRMD by Sarah and Tracy Kawaii

Mission I: Welcome new (and potential) clients to the Bread experience.

Mission II: Create a unique event that’ll draw a cool and diverse crowd.

Approach/Execution: Team up with influential professionals (nail techs) and offer a new dining meet self-care experience.

Offer express manicures, treats (samples of Bread’s menu) and networking opportunities.

Create a community for client and guests.

Contributors/Partners: Floss Gloss

Sighted: Tiffany M. Battles (of the Werk Place) and Eda Levenson (of Lady Fancy Nails/Celebrity Nail Technician).

Photography: Sherrise Marshalleck

Event Curator: Sherrise Marshalleck

Music Curation: Sherrise Marshalleck (Client requested an exclusive Bread Mixxx)

Year: 2016


Alex Undone Joins the #KeepGoing Campaign Spearheaded by Shawn Outen


Bread Enlists Sherrise as Brand Consultant/Strategist and Event Curator