Sherrise Pilots ‘Building Your Business’ (BYB) Training

Unleash the (5) five essential steps to access your success—through an introspective training experience.


Mission: Develop a useful training program catered towards creatives, influencer, and small business owners.

Approach/Execution: Provide a useful platform for individuals interested in launching/enhancing their personal and professional brand(s)/business(es).

Make training approachable and comprehensive—by dividing it into digestible segments.

Create (4) four modules—exploring The (5) Five Essential Steps To Access (Your) Success.

  1. STEP ONE: Reviewing YOUR Strategy

  2. STEP TWO: The importance of Strengthening YOUR Foundation

  3. STEP THREE: Establishing YOUR Offering

  4. STEP FOUR: Creating YOUR Growth (Online & Offline)

  5. STEP FIVE: Building YOUR Clientele

Facilitator/Trainer: Sherrise Marshalleck

Year: 2020-Present

Included in training:

  • (4) Four live (virtual or In-person) training sessions

    • MODULE ONE: Step One - Reviewing YOUR Strategy

    • MODULE TWO: Step Two - The importance of Strengthening YOUR Foundation & Step Three - Establishing YOUR offering

    • MODULE THREE: Step Four - Establishing YOUR Offering

    • MODULE FOUR: Step Five - Creating YOUR Growth (Online & Offline)

  • Building Your Business’ E-Workbook(s)

  • Exclusive/Select:

    • Advice/Mentorship

    • Business Recommendations

    • Community/Peer Support (where applicable)

    • Exclusive Offers

    • Training Session Recaps

    • Updates

  • The (5) Five Essential Steps to Access YOUR Success


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